CarePartner (In-Home)
We have a new opportunity with our PACE program! We have Full Time and Part-time positions working in Participant’s homes throughout Humboldt County. Employment application, and resume required. Open until…
We have a new opportunity with our PACE program! We have Full Time and Part-time positions working in Participant’s homes throughout Humboldt County. Employment application, and resume required. Open until…
…and its content. Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN): Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #CEP12415). Nursing Home Administrator Program (NHAP). Application pending approval by…
…and full range of experiences that come with aging.” In conjunction with Ageism Awareness Day, the Humboldt Senior Resource Center will present Ashton Applewhite’s TED Talk, “Let’s End Ageism,” on…
…the North Coast. Council activities help professionals stay abreast of changes in the law and tax codes and also provide education regarding resources for their clients. The annual cost of…
…connections and new friends. Classes promoting healthy aging include Tai Chi, FABS and SAIL exercise, yoga, karate, line dancing, and more. For a complete schedule of activities, see the Calendar….
…Department of Health and Human Services. The purpose of the grant is to reduce hunger, encourage social engagement, and promote health and wellbeing among older adults in Humboldt County. “Our…
The 2022 S …
…2:30 p.m. from Tuesday, Feb. 6, through Tuesday, April 16. Call 707-443-9747 x1270 for an appointment. You must bring to your appointment a picture ID and a Social Security card…
…Humboldt Senior Resource Center’s Eureka Heritage Café, 1910 California St., by appointment only. Appointments will be scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. until April 13. To…
…not accepted. Tax preparation sessions take place at Humboldt Senior Resource Center’s Eureka Heritage Café, 1910 California St., by appointment only. Appointments for 2023 will be scheduled Tuesdays and Thursdays…